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Fantastic ideas for a successful French day

  • Invite French Dance for Schools for a day of traditional French dance workshops.

    The day can start with a whole school assembly or finish with a performance.

    Whole school decorations and dressing up (Colours of the French flag or famous French persons)

    Price for the most original costume.

    - Explore French artists, e.g: Seurat and pointillism, and produce work in their style: painting, collage etc...

    Eiffel Tower competition/ exhibition.

    Use a number of different materials to build an Eiffel Tower (sweets, straws, baguettes).

    French café with music. Order from French menu your croissant and chocolat chaud in French.

    - Invite a French theatre company.

    - Learn and sing French songs.

    - Make pancakes (crêpes).

    - Ask a chef from a local French café/restaurant to make food demonstrations.

  • -  Make a French passport which can be stamped after each activities.

    - Be painted by a street artist.

    - Ask the cook to prepare a French menu.

    - Play boules (pétanque) outside.

    - Invite Yannick to run some French active games.

    -Make French flags: paint or collage.

    -Make cocardes with crêpe paper (no pun intended).

    -Literacy and Numeracy lessons taught in French - learn to tell the time, how to say the days of the week and months of the year; read French stories and find out how to talk about themselves and their families.

    -Practice accents by pretending they are in a French market buying fruits and vegetables. 

    -Children greet staff with a 'Bonjour' or 'Salut'.

    Draw and decorate a picture of the Eiffel tower or other famous French landmark.

  • - Have your picture taken as Mona Lisa or Napoleon.

    - Listen to French music. 

    -Talk about different French foods

    - Make Euros to spend.

    - Learn more about the French way of life and experience a variety of smells associated with France– from garlic to lavender.

    Loto: Prepare Loto cards (different ones suitable for different year groups.) The winner can receive a little prize after the cards are checked.

    - Le Quiz: Make a French board game. E.g. a route through major French towns. Children start at Bordeaux and progress to Paris, L'Arc de Triomphe. Each correct answer means that they progressed one town along the route.

    Questions vary according to the level of the children undertaking this game. Have a variety of questions about culture, spelling, vocabulary etc. The winner of each game gets a little prize.